The Log Cabin Teen Program, is a program that has been helping out the community by giving out extra food. They are an organization run through King County 
Outreach Process and Action Plan
The outreach process involved finding an organization or program which was involved in Food security and reach out to them to learn more about what it was that they do to help people who need that bit of extra food or need help getting extra food. I (Vincent) first looked around my area to see which programs and organizations that I personally knew about that was involved in Food Security. Ultimately it came down to a few community centers that I knew in the area that all support families who need help with food. 
I narrowed it down to the organization that I volunteered for a lot in middle school and high school. The program is called The Log Cabin Teen Program. So I emailed the person who ran the program and asked what it was that they are currently doing and how others can volunteer to help. 
I’ve learned that the teen program does a lot more than just Food Security, they run programs that teach kids how to garden, how to cook and play sports. But for our specific topic, the teen program will be handing out food this summer on Wednesday at a local middle school as well as continuing packing food and delivering them to families specifically with kids that need that extra bit of food to get by. 
I’ve also learned that if you want to volunteer or even work with them you can go to the park which the program is located at The Steven Cox Memorial Park, located in White Center, but due to COVID, the volunteer process has changed a little due to safety measurements. I will personally be planning to visit the park to see what it is that I could do to support them and be apart of what they do.
What did I learn & how does this project help me understand the importance of “reflection” and “direct action” in intercultural praxis? ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
I’ve learned how to research and reach out to an organization about what it is that they do by emailing the head of the program and asking questions that relate to what the topic is and what is is that I would like to learn from them as well as how I and many others could help out. This form of reaching out also helped me to get out of my comfort zone while trying to learn about Food Security. It also taught me to think about what questions it is that I need to ask in order to understand what it is that the program does.
This project allowed for me to understand the final two steps of engaging in intercultural praxis: “Reflection” and “Action” by first coming up with an action with the group and that was to decide together on what are topic will be for the project then deciding what it was we would do in order to fulfill our goal which was to reach out to an organization thats involved in Food Security and ask questions that will help us and others to better understand the subject as well as what it is we could do to help. For the reflection part, this project helped me understand how to reflect on what I learned from reaching out to an organization and explaining that to others and being able to shed more knowledge on the matter.

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